Saturday, 25 June 2011

NIMNOCHAAP ( Depression !!! )



Saturday, 4 June 2011

SMS Collection

Very frequently, particularly on special ocassions, festivals, we receive creative SMS from friends, relatives et al. Those may not be their own creation but mostly good to read and some are little different which I love to write down in my note-book and add to my collection. A few such SMS are reproduced below, all written in bengali script, so my non-bengali friends may be disappointed... but they can excuse me for this time. Here goes the collection....

Monday, 23 May 2011

Stranger in your house

A decade or so after I was born, my Dad met a stranger who was new to our small town. From the beginning, Dad was fascinated with this enchanting
newcomer and soon invited him to live with our family. The stranger was quickly accepted and was around from then on.

As I grew up, I never questioned his place in my family. In my young mind, he had a special niche. My parents were complementary instructors: Mum taught me good from evil, and Dad taught me to obey. But the stranger... He was our storyteller. He would keep us spellbound for hours on end with adventures, mysteries and comedies.

If I wanted to know anything about politics, history or science, he always knew the answers about the past, understood the present and even seemed able to predict the future! He took my family to the first major league ball game. He made me laugh, and he made me cry. The stranger never stopped talking, but Dad didn't seem to mind.

Sometimes, Mum would get up quietly while the rest of us were shushing each other to listen to what he had to say, and she would go to the kitchen for peace and quiet. (I wonder now if she ever prayed for the stranger to leave.)

Dad ruled our household with certain moral convictions, but the stranger never felt obligated to honour them. Profanity, for example, was not allowed in our home - not from us, our friends or any visitors. Our long time visitor, however, got away with four-letter words that burned my ears and made my dad squirm and my mother blush. My Dad didn't permit the liberal use of alcohol but the stranger encouraged us to try it on a regular basis.
He made cigarettes look cool, cigars manly, and pipes distinguished. He talked freely (much too freely ! ) about sex. His comments were sometimes blatant, sometimes suggestive, and generally embarrassing..

I now know that my early concepts about relationships were influenced strongly by the stranger. Time after time, he opposed the values of my Parents, yet he was seldom rebuked... And NEVER asked to leave.

More than fifty years have passed since the stranger moved in with our family. He has blended right in and is not nearly as fascinating as he was at first. Still, if you could walk into my parents' den today, you would still find him sitting over in his corner, waiting for someone to listen to him talk and watch him draw his pictures.

His name??? 
We just call him  TV. I really wonder what his grandkids will be like.  Answers run as following:-

He has a wife now...we call her "Computer."

Their first child is "Cell Phone."

Second child "I Pod."   Hey hey hey !

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Recipe for Non-Veg Cooking

Item No-1

Item No-2

Item No-3

 During the days of bachelorhood, I was very fond of spending time in the kitchen and learned to cook many Veg & Non-Veg dishes. Although after so many years of marriage I have become lazy and do not feel like entering the kitchen unless constrained to, I still fondly recollect those days when I used to cook regularly in my kitchen with my friend Arjun Behera at Mumbai. However, I consider two people as my 'Guru' in this regard, who taught me the Art of Cooking ! One virtually taught me how to light a Gas stove and hold a spatula! They are Sri Raghunath Sarkar and later on Sri Arun Kumar Saxena (who was a Master Non-veg Chef). Through this post, while furnishing some non-veg recipes, I express my sincere gratitude to both.

EXIT (The Final departure)

This is an extremely beautiful poem. But I do not know the writer. Readers may kindly excuse.

Monday, 16 May 2011

Kobiguru Rabindranath

We are celebrating the 150th Birth Centenary of Kobiguru Rabindranath Tagore this year. This is a miniscule tribute to that monumental personality and his influences on the life of all Bengalees.

The Great Tamasha

This one is about the hustle and bustle in the Headquarters when dignitaries visit the place. The amount of time and wasteful expenditure that is incurred & at the end of the day the date of next meeting is fixed over a get-together! There are some people who always corner the attention & the glory and they are the clear winners in such meets.

The Prankster (Kaamchor)

This rhyme is about an officer, who used to bunk his duties like a High School prankster and was so confused at duties that for three long years he did not notice that his name has been mis-spelt in his name-plate hanging on the door of his cabin !!!

The Young Old Man

Sri U C Barman was working with us in the same office and retired during Nov 2006. He was a very colorful character and a very energetic person. He used to roam around the country as he had three addresses to his credit. His daughter, married to a Maharastrian, is settled in Mumbai. His son, married to a Polish girl is settled in Scotland ! His wife was staying with three Dogs at Baguiati in Kolkata ! And he never spent a full week in Durgapur at a stretch as he was always on the move. He was a very fast driver and even in a crowded place like Benachity, his driving was awe-inspiring. He used to visit all temples around and worship as many God & Goddesses one can imagine !  


 I was posted at Durgapur during 2004-07 and stayed without family there.  Evenings and nights were very difficult to pass and I was utterly frustrated because even after my best efforts, I could not manage a transfer back to Kolkata. This composition is a true reflection of that feeling of depression.

The Eligible Bachelor

Supratim Dasgupta  of ACVS ,DSP (A bachelor of 33 years during those days) is another hardworking and very honest officer of DSP. He is a good singer and dancer too! He used to take food at his room (no: 45) at Tagore House, and clean his utensils by patting the back of the plate every night. This sound used to attract attention of many including the DOGS , who used to rush for the leftovers being thrown away. Sri T S Suresh was DGM (Steel) during that time who used to summon Dasgupta sometimes at the middle of the night to the plant during emergencies.  He was an ardent lover of sports and whisky !

OUR LEADER (Our Netaji)

Rajat Sinha of Oxygen plant at DSP is one of the most attractive persons I have ever met in my life. He still remains one of my very good friends. He is extremely helpful by nature and an organizer par excellence! Although he lost his wife way back at Rourkela in a freak accident, he is raising his daughter alone with able support from his parents and in-laws. He is one of the most sought after officers of DSP today as he sets very high standards for himself and his department.  He made my stay at Durgapur comfortable to some extent.

Sarkar da..... A lonely soul

Sarkar da of NSPCL (NTPC-SAIL JV AT Durgapur) is an excellent person by heart. This piece is virtually a description about his lonliness at Durgapur. 

The Cellular Jail (Tagore House at Durgapur)

Sri D Sarkar, working for NTPC Ltd and posted at Durgapur is one of my close associates. We used to stay at Tagore House, which we called Cellular Jail (Because of the similarity in design and we were the inmates !) and return to Kolkata by Black Diamond Express on the eve of weekend. We used to board the train from Waria, which is near one of the gates of DSP accessing the Power Plant.This was written by me just before leaving for the station.

An Ode to an Old Friend


Hello, Melancholy – my old comrade!
Where art thou, I wonder…?
My mind has been your favourite promenade
Wherein you loved to enter and meander.
‘Out of sight, out of mind’ -
Seems to be the order of the day;
You however, were an extraordinary kind
Who compelled me to obey.
You clung to me like Velcro
And blended yourself into me;
The more I tried to let go,
The more you lacerated me.
Oblivion, I knew would not come so easily,
For, your roots were too deep
Which clung to me steadfastly.
So I decided to give in and silently weep. 
I bowed before your magnanimity,
For, you enveloped me in those wide arms, and made me numb.
I marvel at your tenacity,
For, despite my resistance, you never gave up, and made me succumb.


Now you’ve left me alone and are gone,
I weep no more, but am still forlorn.
I fail to comprehend this mannerism
Wish I could purge myself of this masochism.
But although you’ve moved on to greener pastures
I miss your ‘noble’ gestures!
I miss the darkness with which you’d draw me
For, light now blinds me!
I have become an island in a sea
A complete misfit, the joke seems to be on me!
I fail to appreciate mirth
‘Cause I have forgotten its worth.
They call it relativity
But what is this for me, but insanity?
I now need you to remind me
The true value of joy, of what it should mean to me… 

                                       (Composed by Abhipsita Kundu on 16th May 2011)

Despicable Me

I am unreasonable; whimsical, they call me
Seldom yielding; always adamant.
Rarely forbearing, ever rancorous.
Hardly altruistic, relentlessly misanthropic.
Well, this is how I’m wired
I always have it my way!
Who wants to be selfless,
When he can have the world by his sway?
I know I’m despicable
For, one loves to hate me,
Yet hates the way he loves me.
My loathsomeness knows no bounds,
Like the infernal serpent, it hisses as it hounds.
It derives immense pleasure out of the chase;
Once the prey succumbs, it displays apathy
And moves on...
Only to watch its prey die slowly,
Out of decadence more than anything else.
For, once you’ve given in
There’s no turning back.
The serpent has had its fill
And now moves on to a fresh kill.
I take pride in this sadism,
For, heartlessness is my thing,
And humanity shuns me!


 Composed by Abhipsita Kundu on 15th May 2011

Paradeep Photos

Have you ever seen beautifully colored sea water crabs ? I saw a few (live) in Paradeep in January this year. See them in the picture. Photo was taken by me (Can see my shadow also) while they were being taken away by a local fisherman on the sea-shore.

Have you ever been to the "Bridge" of a foreign ship ? See my colleague Apurba da (on the left) with the captain of the Gearless Panmax vessel M/S Vathy, standing on the Bridge (From where the ship movement is controlled by the captain) at Paradeep Port during January 2011. Photo taken by me in my mobile phone camera.

Sunday, 15 May 2011


The superannuation of the fast bowler written on the wall, was approaching fast
Two names of his probable successor as decided by the board were available at last.

The majority was in favour of the professor who occupied the number one position
However a section of people was thinking otherwise as they chanted Dhan-te-nan!!

Finally the fast bowler had retired after playing a long and blemished innings
But not before damaging the career of a few of his ‘not-so-favourite’ disciples.

While the most deserving candidate missed promotion again and for the third time
Few most undeserving jokers were rewarded, which is nothing short of a crime.

Some hard working guys in the garb of promotion were thrown out of the unit
They must have, at any point of time, irritated him or likewise and thus had to quit.

However there is a villain in the background, who is not interested in his job any longer
He wanted to project his favourite lady this time, as he is a self proclaimed “King Maker”.

With this dirty trick up his very long sleeves and with a perfectly knit game plan
He had conned the fast bowler in this obnoxious game of bringing good people down.

His image in the company circle is more like that of a political or religious leader
Has a sheepish grin which almost perfectly covers his real shameless character.

He is a history sheeter, who had often tried to drub his subordinates for no good reason
He is like God-man Chandraswamy, who always prefers to remain behind the curtain.

Behaves like a Rattlesnake, which spits deathly venom from over a large distance
One has to be very careful in treading its path and should never take any chance.

A word of advice for his victims who have suffered knowingly or, unknowingly
Raise your voice, pick up the sickle & hammer and strike the devil immediately.

This is the only way  you can restore some of your lost sense of pride and glory
Otherwise, one will continue to suffer silently, under his spell of doom and ignominy.

 15th November 2010            
(Conceived & Delivered in the Public interest by ‘Khuchro’)                                             

BYE BYE SATAN (Sequel to Satanic Verses)

Finally the rule of ‘Perpetual Farter’ has come to an end
It was his bosses who had to take such a bold stand

He was sad and felt that his “Boss” had let him down
Who was his pillar of strength and whose feet he touched so often

He used to tell people that he was handpicked for 'this' specific job
And that he was denied of a promotion which made him ‘Sob’

His ‘antics’ and ‘duplicity’ became too obvious and visible
People used to laugh at his back and everywhere he was unacceptable.

Finally when the order was out signaling his departure
His juniors were overjoyed but maintained their composure

Now that he has been shifted to such a godforsaken place
There is nobody to listen to him, serve him tea and hold his briefcase

There is absolutely no work to attend to and he is thoroughly bored
Now sends ‘Friendship Requests’ to people who he earlier ignored

Families at the place of stay also avoid him, and even his spouse
He has also been told to shift somewhere else and vacate the company house

His position is like a trapped mouse, which has nowhere to run
People who were troubled by him before, now enjoy the fun

He, who used to boast once that he has never missed a promotion
Now cries hoarse and curses his ex-bosses over his virtual demotion

The farter, by now, realized that he can’t always do wrong and get away
 “What goes up comes crashing down” is the way God makes people pay.

                                   [ Conceived & delivered by 'Khuchro' during May 2010]

Saturday, 14 May 2011


Beauty parlours were in plenty in Salt Lake tank no-13 side
But most of them were taking their customers for a big ride.

They were using spurious products to the best of their ability
But the amount they charged was beyond clients’ capacity.

The need for a ‘more caring’ type of a parlour was imminent
As the ladies of this area were being deprived of good treatment.

In this hour of crisis, came a news so good and in fact, exciting
It immediately became a hot topic and every body started talking.

Finally the D-day arrived and a new beauty salon was inaugurated
Glam ladies of the area came pouring in, and felt deeply satisfied.

While the ladies were happy to have a place ‘dependable’ as never before
Men-folk got a treatment centre too, & they could not have asked for more.

Women around this area started to look younger and became more beautiful
Men also found their place to relax and the experience was absolutely cool.

Over the years, the business has grown, both in spread and in quantum
From beauty salon to Garments Exhibition to even Ladies’ Gymnasium.

All these are due to untiring efforts of one self made Super Woman called DAISY
Who is not only gorgeous & smart , but also a loving mother & employer for many.

Always smiling and attractive, she is in possession of many enviable qualities
Her fingers fly on her Piano keyboard as often she creates enchanting melodies.

As she was born on a day of heavy downpour, her grandfather named her Brishty
She loves to drive and goes around with friends, sometimes zooms out of the city.

She manages more than three locations alone and handle this ever expanding business
Self Motivation, Conviction & Mercurial Rakhi, all contribute to her tremendous success.

Sky-high ambition, vibrant enthusiasm and professional ethics, always take her forward
Her ‘Devil-may-care’ attitude helps her call all the shots in the male dominated world.

On your Birthday, Brishty, I applaud all your achievements from the core of my heart
Wish you take “Dreams” to dizzy heights with every passing day,  that is all I want

(Conceived & Delivered by 'Khuchro' during November 2010, Composition based on purely  imaginary characters and any resemblance with any real life incident / person may be out of sheer coincidence for which 'Khuchro' should not be held responsible).










*-AGM ,  **-DGM ,  ***- AM(Admn)

( Penned by self during June 2009)


Almost balding head with a few strands of leftover hair
Dynamic, as he occupies a strategically important chair.

A bit temperamental and sometimes appears ‘rough’
But he handles important assignments, which are very tough.

Well dressed, a gem of a person and an extremely good host
Loves simple food but doesn’t also mind chicken roast !

Very religious and performs Ganapati puja every year
Does his duties to utmost perfection without anybody’s fear.

Extremely straight-forward and boldly puts forward his views
Misunderstood very often, and he is always in the news.

Hardworking, respectful and his actions are mostly justified
He is brave, a good team-leader  and ‘honesty personified’.

Even for such a busy person, his family always gets the priority
At home, his charming wife and adoring son always keep him busy.

An ardent lover of Hindi movies, he often visits the ‘Fame’ at South City mall
However, current movies displease him, whose eternal favourite is ‘Geet Gata Chal’!

Has the highest respect for his Mumbai based elder brother
Who, not only is his real guardian but also his ultimate shelter.

Writes excellent English  and loves to compose quality correspondences
His ‘heart’ generally rules over his ‘head’ in most of the circumstances.

At times he speaks long & complex sentences at Supersonic speed
Which some people find very difficult to follow and not what they need.

He at times becomes so frustrated that he feels like quitting
But it is his sheer love for the work , which keeps him going.

Even though last year, he was mercilessly denied an on-time promotion
He remains a tireless worker as ‘Targets’ continue to be his sole motivation.

Whatever people may say, he is one of the very best in today’s  business
 Should be given his due recognition, as that is the only ‘reward’ he expects.                 

      (Conceived and delivered by ‘Khuchro’ during March 2009)
 [Penned on Sri R K Shrivastav, the-then, Branch Manager (LP) Kolkata]


Some people were having cozy, warm and smooth life
Taking both success and failures equally in  their stride.

One fine day, GOD smiled and decided to change the course of their fate
He dumped His eternal enemy the ‘Satan’ on them to vandalize their state.

With a roundish face, ever roaming eyes and a sheepish grin
Takes all of them for granted and doesn’t even spare his next of kin.

Knows nothing about work but truly a great poser
Loves to ‘Boss’ around and is a perpetual ‘farter’.

A shameless joker who has no sense of dignity
Also farts aloud in public, as if its an act of chivalry.

Showers abuse on people and treats subordinates like dirt
Talks about his soaring  goals to show that he is extra smart.

A good worker is ridiculed and rebuked to such an extent
That within a few days,  he no longer remains confident.

Frequently thunders ‘By Which Name (!)’ across his small office
Without extending facilities he wants people to sacrifice.

Bengalies can never sacrifice their sense of pride and honour
But he wants to dominate and make everybody suffer.

Loves to hear morning greetings from all and sundry
Never bothers to wish his seniors unless he is ‘Somebody’.

Has scant respect for seniors also, who he calls by ‘Defective’ names
Gobi’ and ‘Anen’ are two among many names, which he often takes.

Can talk for hours non-stop and without any provocation & reason
Background papers are spoon-fed to him which requires no mention.

Knowing nothing, he survives because of the members of his excellent team
They manage every damn work and present a readymade ‘platter’ to him.

At every stage of work, his real contribution is a big zero
But by virtue of his team members he is proclaimed the real hero.

Bulldozes his own people but keep smiling publicly
Outsiders are therefore, never aware about his real activity.

By talking tall and planting saplings in the terrace garden
He could endear himself to club members and their young children.

Downloads all audio/video and puts everything in his office computer
His desktop is full of virus and one can see the icons simply disappear.

Extremely jealous of people who are doing well in the organization
He shall always call them names and try to spoil their reputation.

Absolutely discourteous and doesn’t bother for anybody’s feeling
Even if somebody is invited, he finishes his meal without waiting.

Has very dirty habits, whose mere description make one feel nauseating
Keeps his office cabin in total disarray and the look itself is very disgusting.

Publicizes that he rather prefers to sleep on the floor than using a bed
Does not also require plates to take food and eats directly from the table instead.

People often hear about his past nexus with hardened Crimino-Politicians
And wonder how such a person can talk about organizational reforms.

During his career spanning over 30 years to be precise
He has served 14 departments, which makes him unique.

However in these years he has not missed any promotion
It only shows that he has got terrific all round connection.

This time, a promotion is what he was restlessly looking for
Which was not to happen and that has made him very sour.

Now desperate to straighten his equation with his supreme boss
He plans to ‘kiss’ his feet and ready to bear any personal loss.

Now people working under him can see a flicker of hope at last
And pray, that the long period of darkness shall be over very fast.

Distressed people are praying all day for an early end to the mental torture
He also is trying his level best with bosses to delay his likely departure.

Its better for all including his family that he ‘goes back’ to his origin quickly
Or else, by working with ‘Satan’, others may also turn ‘devils’ ultimately.

.******Conceived and delivered in the public interest by 'Khuchro'*******
    during February 2009 on a character whose identity cannot be disclosed.